Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Donald Duck says the N-word/Dresses as a Nazi

I have posted a video above of a clip from Who Framed Roger Rabbit, a Disney classic in which characters from different Disney shows and movies finally get to interact. This was a fun movie for people because a lot of their favorite characters were in one movie, it is an action filled detective story and of course that inevitable love story, but that is not the main point here! The main point is one of Disney’s most famous characters is wearing a Nazi uniform and saying the N-Word.
Donald has always been a very fiery character; his random outburst of anger is what makes the audience laugh. But how far is too far? When a Disney character starts saying derogatory words, that’s usually a sign that it’s gone too far. This kind of language and behavior from Donald Duck is encouraging racism and violence with the swastika and N-Word displayed. What Disney is saying by doing this sort of thing is, “It’s no big deal to be mean to people and say offensive words,” and it’s not. Children look up to and follow Disney characters.
When children hear things like what Donald Duck said, it makes them think that it is okay to say that. If you’ve ever been around a toddler you know they REPEAT EVERYTHING. Children mock what they see and hear, especially when it comes to something that they admire and always want to watch i.e. Disney shows. This kind of language can even then be taken to school with the child, and because they think it is alright to say such things, they may use that type of language with their friends and hurt someone’s feelings, or even become suspended. Disney is setting a bad example with the subliminal messages that they put in their movies and shows. It is supposed to be about the children and providing good, influential, PG entertainment.
Disney is suppose to be a teacher and example setter for its audience, but it seems that Disney is not so concerned about the well being of their young audience. If Disney were concerned, there wouldn’t be so many subliminal messages in their material, especially racist and sexual ones. Of course this is not the first time that Disney has used Nazi material in their films, “Wayward Canary,” also had a swastika displayed in it.
This has gone absolutely too far! There is no reason for Disney to still be up and running with all of the horrible things that they have allowed in their films. It’s a definite problem when you can point out more than one racist or sexual thing in films that are geared towards children. This needs to stop, and it is ultimately up to the parents; who are the consumers of Disney products. How can you allow an obviously perverted and racist company to continue to exist without any consequences? Your children are involved, and they learn from what they see, and Disney is showing them how to a hateful person.
Donald Duck Racist?. Uploaded by radiolocke. July 31, 2007. YouTube.
This 57 second video shows so much about Disney. It displays Donald Duck, a famous Disney character Saying the N-Word and wearing Swastika’s everywhere. This video is extremely racist and it even has the show South Park making fun of it.

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