This wonderful YouTube video was put up by crackerjackcoop. The scenes in this video are from the original Disney movies before they were edited, so if you still have some of your VHS' as I do, KEEP THEM so you can go back and take another look.
Now clearly we can see the messages in these clips. So let's start with The Little Mermaid shall we?
The Little Mermaid:
The priest who is marrying Ursala ( pretending to be Arial btw) has a boner ladies and gentlemen. Now this is wrong on so many levels! I wouldn't particularly call myself a religious person, but PRIEST with a boner?! Come on, not to mention it's a children's film! Personally I don't mind a little hanky panky business going on in my films, but the fact that the animators and editors kept this in the original film is absolutely ridiculous. Some argue that it is just the priest's knee that is poking out, but let's be honest the first thing that came to my mind and probably everyone else's was PENIS! Speaking of penis let's move on to the cover of The Little Mermaid. When looking at the cover of The Little Mermaid you see Ariel, Prince Eric, King Triton and Ursala, but wait look a little closer and you'll see that the palace has a phallus! Yes in the background there is a penis. This "mistake" somehow got past the artist and the editors?
The Lion King:
Arguably one of Disney's best movies The Lion King has a nice little message for it's audience too! When the lead character Simba is faced with deciding whether or not he should go back to Pride Rock, he distressingly plops down into some pollen ( I guess Lions aren't allergic) which rises into the sky. The Pollen, which not many people seem to notice spell out the word sex in the sky. Yes, and just in case you don't think you read the bold letters right here it is again---> The Pollen, which not many people seem to notice spell out the word sex in the sky. Now I know most three year olds know all about sex, but what about the adults, is Disney just not thinking about them?! Another "mistake" that slipped through the cracks. Go editors down at Disney, you really know how to make a PG movie!
Alladin is a great action movie for children and even displays a strong and sassy female lead, Jasmine. However, supposedly it is heard that in the movie when Alladin is giving a speech, genie and the carpet are arguing and the sand monster arrives someone says, "Good Teenagers Take Off Your Clothes." This is a little hard to prove because it is not visual. Some people hear it and some people don't. Go back and see if you can hear it, this is a hard one to argue.
Subliminal Messages In Disney Movies. Uploaded by crackerjackchoop. Jan 18, 2008. Youtube.
This video is 3 minutes and 6 seconds long. It shows subliminal messages in the Disney Movies The Little Mermaid, The Lion King, and Alladin.
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